Thursday, February 24, 2011

3rd Birthday Coming to UK on April 1

Square Enix may have lost the license to the Parasite Eve name, but the franchise continues with the third installment dubbed 3rd Birthday on the PSP. The game has been confirmed for April 1 release in the UK, which comes right after the March 29 U.S. release. The game, originally intended as a mobile phone game, dubbed as a "cinematic action RPG" by Square-Enix involves a battle against the genetically mutated Twisted, who have overrun Manhattan.

Aya Brea reprises her role as a CTI (Counter Twisted Investigation) agent with supernatural powers due to advanced mitochondria that allows her superior speed, agility, the ability to travel through time and take over the bodies of those around her. Though the franchise started off as a more focused action RPG with isometric viewport and a strategic combat system, the sequel deteriorated into just another Resident Evil clone. The PSP version deviates even more from the original. It's more of an over-the-shoulder third-person shooter.


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